Sunday, July 5, 2015


June 23rd We are getting a new mission president next week, so today we went to St Albans for a farewell meeting for President & Sister Jordan. The Northampton zone & the St Albans zone got to spend the day together so it was fun seeing friends from the MTC & meeting new people. It was really sad saying goodbye to the Jordan's though :( even though I have only known them for three weeks, it was heartbreaking hugging & saying goodbye to them. It was like saying goodbye to my parents again, & I don't think any of us were prepared for that. 
Brother and Sister Jordan and me

June 24th Today was such a weird day. The whole day I was laughing because the most bizarre things were happening to us. We were supposed to meet with an investigator in town centre at 2 & when he finally showed up he sat down at the bench with us for a couple minutes, then all of a sudden he stood up & said "are you going to be here for a while? I need to buy something for my friend I'll be back." Then he just walked away! It was so weird how it happened. So sister Yucra & I just looked at each other like 'what the heck' & started laughing. Then we waited for him to come back, which he never ended up doing.

me and my companion!!!!!! sister yucra laura is the coolest Peruvian ever.
After that, we decided to try & find some new investigators. We stopped a Korean girl & started talking to her. It turned out that she was from a Pentecostal church & was trying to get people to join her church. Then she started waving all of her other Korean friends over & one boy just started handing us flyers & cards & asked us to join his church. Before we could say no he handed us some bracelets for his church as well. Then sister Yucra handed him one of our pass along cards & him & his Korean friends laughed & walked away. 

After that a man came up to us asking for £4 but I didn't have any money with me so I told him that & he kept begging us for money. Then he pointed to his drink & said "this isn't alcoholic! It's  healthy. It's healthy I swear. I love Jesus. He is my saviour. I want more people to believe in him. Can I have money for a bus ticket please? I love Jesus. I swear this drink isn't alcoholic!" So he wouldn't stop talking & he wouldn't leave so sister Yucra gave him £1. He happily walked away after that. Lol so many weird things. 

After that we took a bus to a members house for dinner & I fell sleep on the bus cuz #alwaystired. For dinner we ate salmon & I hate seafood, but I ate the whole thing cuz I knew my parents would be proud of me if I did.

June 25th Today we took a train to London for a three week training meeting. After our meeting, we had dinner at our bishop's house. But I had gotten a package from my mom & didn't have time to run home before dinner so I was lugging this big box onto trains & buses hahahaha & when i got to bishop's house he was confused why I was bringing him a box. We actually ended up opening the box at his house & it felt like it was my birthday or Christmas.

June 26th Today I learned that a £9 raincoat from Primark will not keep you dry in England rain. We had to deliver a Book of Mormon to woman in Bromham & as soon as we got off the bus it started pouring rain. Sister Yucra Laura & I both grabbed out our raincoats & were so confident that we would stay dry. But no. Not at all. & to make things worse, we were both wearing white shirts hahahahahahahahahahaahah hallelujah that we wore undershirts though. After dropping the Book of Mormon off we walked to our bishop's house for a ward activity for a family that was moving out of our ward.

June 27th Ohhhhhhh today was such a good day. We went to town centre with the elders & did some banner finding. It took us seriously like 30 minutes to get our banner up. Everyone was just watching all of us missionaries struggle. After finally getting it up, we talked to everyone. We all ended up finding new people to teach! We received a lot of referrals for people to teach as well! After that, we had lunch with a recent convert & then went to the church to email our investigator back. At the church, out zone leader called & forced all of us to sing over the phone so he could choose someone to do a musical number at our next meeting. Lol I had zero desire to sing & he STILL made me sing for him. After that we did some tracting & met with a less active member. I always love meeting with her because I learn sooooo much. The spirit is always so strong when we discuss the gospel. I just love it ❤️

June 28th We had stake conference in Northampton this morning & one of our investigators with a baptismal date came! She loved it & is excited to attend church next week. After the meeting we taught the plan of salvation to her & the spirit was so strong. She loves learning about the gospel, she loves reading the Book of Mormon, and she loves meeting with us. Oh my I love her so much. You can definitely see how the Lord has prepared her to meet with us & I'm so excited to see her progress! 

Ahhhhhhh I love being a missionary with all my lil heart. I love sharing the things I treasure most with those people who will listen. I love the church. I love all of you. Wow so much love. 

Random things: 
-People's moods change based on the weather. So we LOVE sunny days. 
-English grocery stores are the most confusing places ever. 
-I still don't really understand the money here. 
-They have this great stuff called squash & it's like a fruit concentrate you mix with water & I'm totally obsessed with it. I'm gonna force people in England to mail it to me when I go back to America. 
-Lol don't compliment people on their pants cuz they'll laugh at you for being American (pants=underwear) 

I love you all. I miss you all. 

these are like way old, from the mtc! but these are all the girls going to London/London south with the president of the mtc and his wife

Sister Sydney Johannes

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